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Digital Signature Certificate ( DSC ) for Trademark & Patent eFiling-IPR

Writer: Praveen R GoyalPraveen R Goyal

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

Class 3 Digital Signature – a prerequisite for trademark and patent filing.

Under the e-filing system, obtaining a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate has been made mandatory for all. Thus, any individual, attorney, agent, the organization must obtain a Class 3 DSC before it can proceed for a new registration for a trademark.

Rights for Intellectual Property(IP) have been conceptualized so that creators, innovators, and explorers can patent their discoveries and inventions. Moreover, the laws governing patents, rights, and trademarks ensure that inventors receive financial benefits for what they have created/invented, besides gaining recognition in their field.

In order to e-file Patent and Trademarks in India, the Controller General of Patents, Design and Trademarks (CGPDTM) has stipulated a Class 3 category digital signature certificate. Class 3 digital signature certificate provides the highest level of security and comes with 1 year, 2 year and 3 year validity. A person who already has the specified Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for any other application can use the same for e-filing of a patent application and it is not required to obtain a fresh DSC.

In addition to trademark and patent efiling with class 3 digital signature, it can be also used for itr, roc, mca, gst, iec, epfo, eticketing and many more.


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